Frequently Asked Questions

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The ParticleOne model uses building performance (physical dimensions, HVAC systems, space type etc.), occupant dynamics (occupancy rates and schedule, masking, etc.), and community input variables (vaccination rates and community prevalence data) to calculate the statistical probability of viral transmission in a space. This probability is then used to determine how many days it would take for a probable infection in a space to occur. The Risk Index is then determined by dividing the infectious period by the probable days to infection. Spaces with a risk index of ≥1.0 receive a risk rating of “Caution.” Spaces with a risk index of < 1.0 receive a risk rating of “Prepared.”

ParticleOne can enhance the safety of a space in several different ways.

1.To examine the relative effects of different measures: For example, should HEPA filters be added to a space or should a mask mandate be used. How does increasing the outside air affect the risk in a space versus reducing occupancy. Which can inform impactful decisions on how the space should be operated.

2. Guide and track policy: Using the tool can inform which policy measures should be undertaken. Then they can be selected and tracked in time to see how the space is performing.

3. Instill confidence: By knowing the risk rating of a space this can be communicated with staff and the community who may be weary of using the space. It also can show stakeholders what is being done (measures) to ensure a safer space.

4. Alert: If cases rise or another variant emerges that cause a space to dip into Caution, the user is informed, and action can be taken to continue the Prepared operation of the space.

The Risk Rating is based on the spaces Risk Index. It divides the results of the risk index into two categories, Prepared or Caution. Spaces with a risk index of ≥1.0 receive a risk rating of “Caution.” Spaces with a risk index of < 1.0 receive a risk rating of “Prepared.”. Functionally, Prepared means that a transmission in the space is not statistically expected in less time than the typical infectious period. Inversely, Caution means a transmission in the space is statistically expected to occur in less time than the typical infectious period. It is meant to be a guide guarantee to inform operation and policy, not a guarantee of how a space is going to perform.

For most buildings and spaces using the Multi-pathogen Absentee model, the Risk Index is determined by simulating probable days lost per year to the specified infectious diseases, compared against the standard budgeted number of days lost. Spaces with more than the standard budget receive a Risk Index of ≥1.0 and a Risk Rating of “Caution.” Spaces with less than the standard budget receive a Risk Index of < 1.0 and a Risk Rating of “Prepared.”

For certain high-vulnerability buildings and spaces, the standard Multi-pathogen Absentee model is made more stringent. The Risk Index is determined by simulating probable days lost per year to the specified infectious diseases, compared against the “Vulnerable” community or space budgeted number of days lost. Spaces with more than the “Vulnerable” budget receive a Risk Index of ≥1.0 and a Risk Rating of “Caution.” Spaces with less than the “Vulnerable” budget receive a Risk Index of < 1.0 and a Risk Rating of “Prepared.”

The case count rate (i.e., background infection rate or infectious prevalence) is the percentage of people in the state, province, or local community who are likely to be infected (and infectious) with SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, Rhinovirus, or RSV at a specified time. The data is configured using 7-day averages of reported and adjusted public health case count data. Adjustments include typical infectious period of the illness, reported versus estimated “actual” cast counts to account for asymptomatic individuals, lack of testing in the community, and wastewater correlation signals where available.

Data is sourced from our partner BlueDot, and a variety of public health sources.


If a new variant becomes dominate it will be integrated into the algorithm for the specific pathogen. ParticleOne, in collaboration with BlueDot, are continuously reviewing variant updates, prevalence and characteristics with respect to transmissibility and vaccine effectiveness that are incorporated into the ParticleOne model as required and when sufficient evidence is presented by the scientific community to warrant a change.

“Caution” means the risk index is ≥1.0 and “Prepared” means the risk index is < 1.0.

For most buildings and spaces using the Multi-pathogen Absentee model, “Prepared” means that the probability of days lost as a result of transmission events in the space is less than the budgeted number of days lost. In contrast, “Caution” means that the frequency and number of transmission events will result in exceedance of the budgeted number of days lost.

For certain high-vulnerability buildings and spaces, “Prepared” means that a transmission in the space is not statistically expected in less time than the typical infectious period. In contrast, “Caution” means a transmission in the space is statistically expected to occur in less time than the typical infectious period.

Each are meant to be a guide guarantee to inform operation and policy, not a guarantee of how a space is going to perform.

If your space switches from Prepared to Caution you should consider adjusting how the space is operating. Functionally this may mean a space change, like reducing occupancy, increasing mask use, adding filtration etc. Once a decision has been made, the active card for a space can be changed with another card reflecting the new operation of the space. If the new card is Prepared the space will also switch to prepared.

Typically, 24 hrs. from submission to results.

Occupancy is the maximum number of people that typically occupy a space under normal operating conditions. Users input this maximum typical value when setting up a space and running the initial simulation. Once a simulation is complete, the user may adjust occupancy by selecting an appropriate configuration that allows for the selection of 75%, 50%, 25%, or 0% of the inputted occupancy. Users should select the threshold that most closely matches their current occupancy, relative to the inputted occupancy. If a space has multiple distinct modes of occupancy, the user may set up additional spaces to monitor each mode independently.

There are two ways to increase occupancy once a simulation has been run.

One: if you are currently operating at less than the maximum occupancy, you can select a different card to increase the current occupancy.

Two: if you wish to increase the originally specified maximum occupancy, you will need to edit the space and resubmit it for simulation.

At the building level, click on the three dots for the space you want to edit and then select edit space.

The Air-Cleaning Device ACH is the air changes per hour of clean air that the device provides. This is additional ventilation air, so it will reduce the risk rating in you space. In order to determine the flow rate of clean air (or CADR) you need from an air-cleaning device to achieve a certain ACH you need the volume of the space (space area times height).

You can access various instructions on the Start Here page.