The risk rating is based on the building or space’s risk index. The Index is calculated through a simulation that uses community health trends, building-performance parameters, and occupant dynamics.
For most buildings and spaces using the Multi-pathogen Absentee model, the Risk Index is determined by probable days lost to the specified infectious diseases, normalized to a budgeted number of days lost. Spaces with a Risk Index of ≥1.0 receive a Risk Rating of “Caution.” Spaces with a Risk Index of < 1.0 receive a Risk Rating of “Prepared.”
For certain high-vulnerability buildings and spaces, the Risk Index is determined by a “COVID-Outbreak” threshold, dividing the infectious period by the probable days to infection. Spaces with a Risk Index of ≥1.0 receive a Risk Rating of “Caution.” Spaces with a Risk Index of < 1.0 receive a Risk Rating of “Prepared.”
A space labelled “Pending” indicates that a simulation is underway. The rating will be updated once the risk rating and index are complete.